98 INSERT LOCKS SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES FORTYSET-40I-BA Fortylock + SFKI + 3020-HYB-ALU-9005 + 3006B-H + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET-40I-JA Fortylock + SFKI + 3020-HYB-ALU-SILV + 3006J-H + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET-40I-MA Fortylock + SFKI + 3020-HYB-ALU-SILV + 3006M-H + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET-40P-GP Fortylock + SFKP + 3020-HYB-STD + 3006G + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET-40S-BA Fortylock + SFKU-40-9005 + 3020-HYB-ALU-9005 + 3006B-H + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET-40S-JA Fortylock + SFKU-40-ALUM + 3020-HYB-ALU-SILV + 3006J-H + 3012-54-STD-VSZ FORTYSET Complete insert lock set with keep for metal, PVC or aluminium gates Complete set to equip your metal, PVC or aluminium gates with a stainless steel insert lock and keep. • Complete set with lock, keep, cover plates, handles and cylinder • 54 mm Europrofile cylinder with three keys SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES FIFTYSET-50S-BA Fiftylock + SFKU-40-9005 + 3020-HYB-ALI-9005 + 3006B-H + 3012-60-STD-VSZ FIFTYSET-50U-JA Fiftylock + SFKU-40-ALUM + 3020-HYB-ALU + 3006J-H + 3012-60-STDVSZ FIFTYSET Complete Fiftylock insert set with keep for metal, PVC or aluminium gates Complete Fiftylock set to equip your metal, PVC or aluminium gates with a stainless steel insert lock and keep. • Complete set with Fiftylock, keep, cover plates, handles and cylinder • 60 mm Europrofile cylinder with three keys SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES SIXTYSET-60U-JA Sixtylock + SFKU-40-ALUM + 3020-HYB-ALU-SILV + 3006J-H + 3012-70-STD-VSZ SIXTYSET-60S-BA Sixtylock + SFKU-9005 + 3020-HYB-ALU-9005 + 3006B-H + 3012-70-STDVSZ SIXTYSET Complete Sixtylock insert set with keep for metal, PVC or aluminium gates Complete Sixtylock set to equip your metal, PVC or aluminium gates with a 10 mm adjustable, stainless steel insert lock and keep. • Complete set with Sixtylock, keep, cover plates, handles and cylinder • 80 mm Europrofile cylinder with three keys