67 TURNSTILES SPECIFICATIONS TT-CL2 Counter & passing light signals module for TURNITEC Plug&Play module which enables connecting counters and passing light signals in both turning directions. A counter tells you how many people are on the terrain or how many rotations your turnstile made, while passing light signals guarantee a swift, safe and correct use of the turnstile. ORDER CODE TT-CL2 Turnitec counter & passing lights module • Easy to connect with the TT-FO32 and TT-FC32 module • For both clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) direction a voltage free changeover contact (NO&NC) is provided for passing light signal control (max 250V AC (30V DC)/1A) SPECIFICATIONS TT-FO2 Fail Open electromodule for TURNITEC With the electromechanical module an operator has the ability to control incoming and outgoing traffic. Granting access or closing the system, changing the rotational direction and executing access control, all can be managed easily with the TURNITEC module. ORDER CODE TT-FO2 Fail-Open access control electromodule • Input voltage: 220V AC / Maximum output power: 25W • Anti-passback security: protected against the simultaneous entrance of 2 persons thanks to the 60° locking mechanism SPECIFICATIONS TT-FC2 Fail Close electromodule for TURNITEC With the electromechanical module an operator has the ability to control incoming and outgoing traffic (granting access, changing the rotational direction and executing access control). After authorisation the turnstile is unlocked electronically and visitors have access to the terrain. ORDER CODE TT-FC2 Fail-Close access control electromodule • Input voltage: 220V AC / Maximum output power: 25W • Anti-passback security: protected against the simultaneous entrance of 2 persons thanks to the 60° locking mechanism SPECIFICATIONS TT-MM3S Mechanical module for TURNITEC This module for the TURNITEC mechanism offers the advantage of working completely mechanical. No power supply or cabling is needed. The release and locking of a direction of rotation is easy to set with a Europrofile cylinder lock. People can enter the terrain by pushing the turnstile arm. ORDER CODE TT-MM3S Mechanical access control module • Can be used for left or right rotation • Anti-passback security: protected against the simultaneous entrance of 2 persons thanks to the 60° locking mechanism