Catalog 2025 EN

184 SPECIAL HANDLES A Follower length 90 mm SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODE 3006KR 3006KR Aluminium handle blocking set Aluminium round knob set. The kit allows following combinations: one side fixed with one side operational, both sides fixed or one side blinded. The set is advised in combination with all aluminium lock boxes when access control is needed and highly recommended with electric strikes. • Highly recommended with Locinox electric keeps Ø18 46 Ø23 53 55 8 A A Follower length 120 mm ORDER CODE 3006FIX COLOR OPTIONS ALUM 9005 3006FIX Aluminium anodized handle pair with fixed and/or rotating operation Anodized aluminium handle pair and cover shield allowing following combinations: both sides rotating, one side fixed or both sides fixed. The handle pair is compatible with the Fortylock, Fiftylock, Sixtylock and Eightylock insert locks. 8 65 113 A A Follower length 120 mm ORDER CODES 3006PAD COLOR OPTIONS ALUM 9005 3006PAD Handle set with rounded corners in anodised aluminium with fixed and/or rotating functionality Handle set with rounded corners in anodized aluminum. Following combinations are possible: both sides rotatable, one side rotatable and one side fixed or both sides fixed. 8 54,5 81 A A Follower length 120 mm ORDER CODES 3006HOLD-PAD COLOR OPTIONS ALUM 9005 3006HOLD Handle set with rounded corners in anodized aluminium with fixed and rotating action Handle set with rounded corners in anodized aluminium in two possible combinations: One side rotatable and one side fixed or both sides fixed. 8 45 79,8 82,5 54,5 81 50 A