177 TOOLS Ø 9,5 mm ORDER CODE DRILLFIX Tool case with drilling jig for lock and keep SPECIFICATIONS DRILLFIX Tool case with drilling jig for surface mounted lock and corresponding keep Quickly and accurately install Locinox surface mounted locks and keeps with our brand new Drill-Fix jig. This jig is designed to self-center on square or round posts, and guarantees perfect alignment. This will allow you to easily drill the 4 hole pattern for the lock or the two holes necessary for the keep. The Drill-Fix comes in a sleek and sturdy case that includes all the necessary accessories to install Locinox locks and keeps. • Tool case with self-centering drilling tool for fast assembly of Locinox surface mounted gate locks and keeps • Drill jig can be used for round, square or rectangular profiles from 30 up to 76 mm • Includes 3 drill bits (Ø9,5 mm, Ø15 mm, Ø18 mm) • Installation of Locinox surface mounted locks and keeps in 4 easy steps • Includes Locitool LA • Includes Allen Key and positioning pin 320 320 55 ORDER CODE LION-VTC-DRILL Installation and drilling jig for Lion & VTC-2 gate closers SPECIFICATIONS LION-VTC-DRILL Assembly and drill jig for Lion and Verticlose-2 gate closers Toolbox with the required tools to install both Lion and Verticlose-2 gate closers very quickly and efficiently. The Lion-VTC Drill guarantees a flawless alignment of the gate closer in relation to the gate. No more measuring - just fix, drill, install and ready. Highly recommended. • Sturdy box with compartments • Spare set with 10 Quick-Fix expanders • 2 supplied drills Ø5 / Ø15 mm