Catalog 2025 EN

10s 20s 30s 40s RHINO LION PANTHER SAMSON 2 VERTICLOSE 2 Self-closing Final snap 150 kg 75 kg 1100 mm 0 mm 900 mm 1500 mm 2000 mm Recommended gate width OPENING ANGLE NEW FIT RETRO FIT GATE CLOSER & HINGE IN ONE USE WITH EXISTING HINGES ALL LOCINOX GATE CLOSERS SAMSON 2 PANTHER Max. 150° depending on position of hinge and gate closer Depending on position of hinge and gate closer OPEN & CLOSE 180° OPEN & CLOSE 150° OPEN & CLOSE 120° SERVAL CARACAL TIGER MAMMOTH180 MAMMOTH HD 150 kg 200 kg 75 kg 60 kg Temperature resistance Find the perfect gate closer Temperature in °C Tested at 90° opening position Locinox Competition Comfort issue Safety issue Perfect comfort and safety TOO FAST TOO SLOW IDEAL FUNCTIONING Closing time 70° 60° 40° 20° 0° -30° -20° 17