149 HINGES FOR INDUSTRIAL GATES A B C Ø38 15,5 10,5 Ø46 17,5 11 Ø50 17,5 11 Ø53 17,5 11 SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES LR-M16 LR-M20 LR-M24 LR-M27 LR Adjustable nut Zinc plated adjustable welding nut for ornamental gates. With this system you can finetune your installed gate. • Adjustable welding nut, zinc-plated A C B A B C D E F M126015 3 5 Ø7 M16 100 19 5 5 Ø11 M20 100 20 5 5 Ø11 SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES 1005WP-M12 1005WP-M16 1005WP-M20 1005WP Wall plate hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvanized wall plate with adjustable nut for garden gate hinges. • Steel wallplate hot dip galvanized A D B B C E F A For Quick-Fix Ø15 mm SPECIFICATIONS ORDER CODES Hinge arm in stainless steel Hinge arm in hot-dip galvanized steel 3DM-VP100-P50-A2 3DM-VP100-P50-HDG 150 kg 3DM (Patented) 3-way adjustment hinge Stainless steel hinge for aluminium/metal gates equipped with the fast Quick-Fix system. The hinge is adjustable in three dimensions: height, left/right alignment and swing direction. Also available with hot-dip galvanized arm. • 180° hinge for metal & aluminium gates • Innovative Quick-Fix mounting • Reversible for left/right swinging gates • 15 mm adjustable in width, 10 mm in height and 15 mm in depth • Vandal-proof • Hinge socket, axle and socket cover plate in stainless steel = = 100 Ø15 (4x) 50 = = 35,5 12,5 95 43 139 18 135 95 15 15 10