5 4 3 2 1 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Driveway slope percentage Distance between hinges For slopes from 2 up to 35% 750mm 1000 mm 1250 mm 1500 mm 1750 mm 2000 mm 131 HINGES FOR INDUSTRIAL GATES Eyebolt M16 SPECIFICATIONS EXCENTRO-M16 EXCENTRO 180° hinge set for ascending slopes This hinge is the perfect solution for sloped driveways. The hinge opens in an upward movement inwards, allowing a perfect entry and exit on even the steepest slopes (from 2% up to 35%). Modular for gates with a Locinox GBMU4D-M16 preparation. ORDER CODE • Hot-dip galvanized hinge with stainless steel components • 180° opening and closing angle • Adjustable for slopes from 2 up to 35% (depending on distance between hinges) • For left & right turning gates • Compatible with KLAUW gate claw and 1001U U-shaped ear plate 69 110 84 42 30 88 60 Min. 40 M16 40 42 31 181 67 M14 30 M16 80 55 36,5